Sunday, November 15, 2009

NaNoWriMo: Day... oh who cares?! I'm exhausted!

Hello friends and fellow NaNo-ers. I've been trying to catch up this weekend. I did 5,000 words... that's pretty good. But I know I am 10,000 short of being on track. Yikes! You know, this is a lot more do-able in some ways and a lot harder in others. I think if I didn't write so much at work, or have a desk job, I would be much more content and focused at the computer. But as hard as it is to get myself to sit down, once I start writing its really fun to see the story taking shape. Thanks for all the encouragement. It really, truly helps and I appreciate it so much.

Okay, so some of you have been asking, so here's another bit of the story. It's the introduction of our next big character, and if you couldn't tell by this segment, our love interest! Enjoy!

There’s our boys! It’s about time you got back!” Rose teased.

Three tall figures came out from behind the main work building, with big smiles shining under their caps. Rose jumped up like a school girl to give them all big hugs. She was so excited, Ana thought she just might knock them down.

Ana, meet my boys.” They all smiled at her as she got up to say hello. By now she had learned to stop bowing at people and so she stuck her hand out awkwardly waiting for them to take in and shake it like the other people do.

This is Henry, Luke and my son Flynn. They all grew up in these fields together, running about just like Hilda’s little ones do now.”

Nice to meet you all. I’m Ana.”

“She’s new, just came from The City.” Rose explained. The boys (really it should be men) all tried to hide their look of surprise from their faces but it was hard to do. I guess by now she had shaken off the look of a City Ghost they all them here. But really, she never looked like the type of people that came over on the boat. She’s too frail to be a fighter and not rough around the edges to be a criminal. Plus with all this work outside her body was really changing too. She’s gotten stronger and her skin started changing color. Rose had to explain that the whole color thing was normal. Ana thought that her skin was going to come off!

Glad to have you here,” Flynn was the first to speak. Ana noticed right away his bright shining eyes from under the brim of his hat. His wavy black hair peeked out over his ears. His smile was just as bright as his eyes too. He seemed very composed and statuesque. He must be the leader of this little band of friends. Ana guessed. It was an easy guess to get right. Flynn exuded that type of down to earth confidence that people here looked to. He reminded her of Lu Lu, but much more calm.

The three men joined them for lunch and quickly ate up the leftovers as they told their, “momma” how their journey went. They had made a trip out past the edges of the city, to the next piece of civilization over. Ana was amazed! First there’s this second city, outside of The City, which was the only thing she knew to exist. She always thought that in the Big War everything else was wiped out. But now she realizes that there was a lot she believed when maybe she shouldn’t have. Now there’s not only a second city, but a third… and who knows how much is out there! A whole world that she thought was lost now opened up to her. All those amazing things she had read in the books her grandmother had hidden for her. Those could be out there for her to learn about. Sure, they don’t have a lot of the stuff that they used to back then, like electricity and cars. Airplanes and computers. Oh, what she would give to see those things. But maybe there’s someplace out there that has them. What else is out there that has been hidden from them?

Anyways, back to the men’s story. The had to take a long journey out to the next city, which was at the other end of the bay, towards the bottom. They were very patient with all of Ana’s questions, which she couldn’t help but ask. They drew a picture in the sand of the shape of the bay, showing her where they are, THe City and this other place they call Morgan town.

What’s this place where we live called?” Ana asked.

We live in the Oak township” Flynn replied.

They went there to go get new seeds for crops. They had a good season and had extra seeds leftover and extra dried vegetable so they decided to go and trade. It took a couple of days to get there and so they stayed awhile, learning from the other town’s growers. Plus, they said, a fight broke out with two traveling gangs just outside of the town, so they thought it better to wait.

Otherwise they might take all out new seeds and then the trip would be for nothing.” Flynn explained.

Everyone was excited to see and hear about the fascinating new plants and seeds the three travelers brought back. They even brought a tree, with a big cloth tied around the roots.

This is very exciting!” Flynn said, “It’s a new nut tree called Almonds. Now we won’t just have walnuts and acorns we find in the woods. There’s lots we can make with them too. We had wonderful little cakes that their cooks made for us.” That sounded delicious to Ana!

Flynn glanced over at Ana and gave her a little smile. She felt her cheeks go red.

Who wants to help me choose a spot to plant our special new tree?” he bent down to ask Nicolas and Victoria, who had been clambering up his legs the entire conversation. They jumped for joy at the question, knowing it was aimed just at them! The three went off into the grove of trees to make their very important decision.

Rose looked over at Ana, “Ah, it’s good to have my boys back home. And I’m glad they got a chance to meet you.”

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NaNoWriMo: Day 4

Hey there!

So I am doing pretty good with keeping on schedule! We will see how this lasts. The best part is seeing what the characters are going to do next. And yes, Ana does run into some new friends. Here's a tidbit. I promise its not all doom and gloom... but just like in real life, sometimes characters have to go through rough times before the good comes along. Let me know what you think of Ana and her journey as we go along -- AND I want to hear about your stories too? What's your favorite sentence or paragraph so far??

Don't forget to add me as your buddy on My author name is danagirl1.

Keep writing!

Ana slept like a baby that night. Strange, right? But it had been a long day and a safe cozy spot was all she needed to fall into a deep, deep sleep. She awoke in the early hours of the morning, hearing scurrying feet, not those of rats, but human feet. Her whole body went rigid. Like a dog face to face with an intruder, the hairs stood up on the back of her neck and arms. She slowly moved towards the small crack in the doorway to get a closer look. In the dim light of dawn, Ana could see mostly silouettes, with vague features starting to form in the new light. There was a girl who looked like she was about Ana's age, in her mid 20s. She had long dark hair pulled into a ponytail and swished defiantly at her back. She was angry at the guy, who looked like he was about the same age, a little shorter, scruffy, and lean in build. The girl was holding a rifle, her long arms gesturing with it, pushing it up in the air to show her frustration but not pointing it in any real way to harm the guy.

Her eyes stayed fixed on the girl. The animation in her face as she raised her voice to the guy was mesmerizing."I told you not to come to the boxes today!" she roared, "After all the shit that went down last night, you have to be a complete idiot. You're gonna get us killed."

"That's just it! They'll never expect us to go gathering after all that. We're perfectly fine!" His resoluteness was undermined by the timid tone in his voice.

"You are an idiot. Why do I put up with this crap." She tilted her head softly, showing just for a second, a warm hint of affection. That slight change in her face made her look beautiful to Ana. The girl's long bangs fell over one green eye, brushing her strong cheekbones and tanned skin. Her emotions radiated, pushing out into the atmosphere and jabbing at Ana in her hiding space.

Caught up in the moment, Ana lost sight of what she was supposed to be doing...hiding. Her footing slipped just a little and she kicked one of those weird box thingies, which hit the door, which made a loud thud that rang through the entire container and caused Ana to make a small but audible gasp. so much for those survival instincts. ana could see the girl and guy whip their heads in her direction. Do i wait for them to come over and discover me? or do i walk out with my hands up? maybe i will leap out and give them a big Hello!

She didn't have time to make any decisions before it was made for her. before she knew it, the door was wide open and a rifle was put smartly in her face and the pretty but tough girl was glaring at her from the other end.

"who the hell are you?" commanded the girl.


"so why arent you dead with the other losers, Ana?"

"i ran"

"Smart ass."

"Huh?" Ana replied. The girl was using a lot of words she hadn't heard before. Ana figured by her tone that it meant she didnt like her answer. Does that mean I am supposed to elaborate, she thought. Why not give it a try? "i wasnt sent here. i got on the ship without any permission. i wanted to leave The City. I wanted something different."

Apparently this was a much better answer than Ana's first because the two started laughing and chuckling. who knew?!

"well thus place certainly is different from The City. thats for sure. but i dont know if you're gonna be as happy with this choice as you think you are."

"well at least it is a choice, right? now whatever i do from here on out is my choice. no one elses."

"thats a real positive outlook, but honey, even here there's some rules you gotta follow if you are going to survive." they both smiled at her, then glanced at eachother as the girl lowered her gun. "come on. we'll try to show how to not get killed." the girl put out her hand and helped ana up and in to the now early daylight. "my name's alicia but everyone calls me LuLu. and thats tom."

"im ana" she said, smiling her first real smile in years.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thank you Inkygirl

I love this comic.

For you writer's out there, check out more cleverness at

PS: YES, this is me procrastinating... I'm a writer, that's what we do!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day One, NaNoWriMo

So this whole thing didn't start out quite like I expected it to. Boyfriend and I went to bed early so I could be rested for my day of writing, but instead we were woken up every hour because his poor kitty was sick and throwing up. This has been going on all week, but we thought he was getting better! So first thing in the morning, we went to the vet emergency. Two hours later, we were exhausted, hungry and anxious. The vet doesn't know what's going on with kitty but gave instructions on how to take care of him so hopefully he gets better.

Sooo, I didn't start writing until I was waiting for the BART train. I imagined myself in a much different setting for the start of my novel. I should have been sitting on my comfy couch, with music playing and a cup of tea. But you know what? That's ok. Because I was able to write, despite the crowds. And I actually feel more confident that I can make my goal.

Okay, I know some of you have been waiting for a glimpse of what I'm writing, so here you go. Now remember, this is a VERY rough first draft with typos and everything (especially the stuff written on my iPhone because punctuation is a pain in the butt on that thing). Once I get done with everything this month, I will go back and rewrite, proofread and polish it up. Enjoy!

the dark dankness of the boat enclosed her in a filthy cocoon. but that she could get used to. it was the slap slapping of the water hitting below the bow combined with the ramdom thud-thud of the bodies in the cargo bay that made her want to scream. how did she know that she had corpses for travel companions? its called survival-something that Ana knew how to do well. its not something she learned. people in the city had it beaten into them that you do as you are told. color inside the lines and life will be just fine. which is a good plan until you deviate or get thrown outside of those safe cozy frigidly strict rules. shes seen it happen to people. shit happens and when it does theres nothing you can do but roll over and wait for Them. but thats not the point. we are digressing. ana had to survive and somehow she just knew what to do.

she crept through the alleys to the docking bay, where they load up the bodies and the alive but still forgotten people. after rooting around the very yard, she found a precious moment to slip on the boat. the clothes she traded the baglady for let her fit in perfectly. Oversized and tattered, they hid her well. As invisible as air, she slipped into line, onto the boat and then she was on her way to -- well we're not too sure yet. And neither is Ana. This hasnt ever happened before -- not to anyone shes ever known. But then, thats the whole point. shes not staying in the lines anymore. shes going completely off the page.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

NaNoWriMo here I come!

Can you believe I am going to write a novel?!

I signed up for NaNoWriMo... National Novel Writing Month. That means that for the entire month of November, I will be typing away like crazy to make the goal of 50,000 words and one complete novel!

I've always wanted to write a novel. I have a handful of ideas stored up, but it's just so daunting. I need a kick in the pants!

I will keep you posted on how I do. Maybe even post some of my ideas and exerpts.

Check out the NaNoWriMo website for more info.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

This one's a downer...

I know this is a depressing example, but it really struck a chord. This postcard is from my recent web find called PostSecret. It's an ongoing art project where people send in anonymous postcards with their secrets. Most of them are really sad, but they also make me feel like we're not alone with our secrets -- and thank goodness I don't have as big of ones as some of these people. There's some doozies!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This little piggie...

How cute are these little critters?! They are teacup pigs and grow up to only be 12 to 16 inches tall. Read more.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blog Crush: Sweet Cakes!

Another blog that I just have to check every day is Cake Wrecks. I probably shouldn't be, since I have a horrible sweet tooth and it makes my mouth water, but it also makes me giggle like crazy. How could it not be a favorite!

Okay, so every day, they show the worst of the worst cakes created. That's where the "wrecks" comes in. But then on Sundays, Jen gives us pretty treats called Sunday Sweets, "Sunday Sweets is my weekly NON-Wreck feature, to remind you how wrecky the Wrecks really are."

Here's one of my favorite Cake Wreck posts.

And here's my favorite Sunday Sweet.

What's your most memorable cake?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hello, Sunshine!

My new blog-crush is The Bright Side Project. Not only is it filled with super-cute stationary and pretty-as-peaches accessories, the whole point of the website is to bring a little happiness into the world by giving us stuff. How sweet is that?!

Not only are there free downloads everyday, you can also enter to win lots of cool shwag...and enter as often as you like.

Go check it out!
And let us know if you ever win. I never win anything, so it's exciting to hear when other people do.

Happy Monday!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Blood Suckers

As I was reading through my everyday list of random blogs and internet juiciness, I stumbled across this article. What a relief! Finally a reason why those nasty little mosquitoes keep picking on me and sucking my blood. Its soo annoying this time of year. Apparently, mosquitoes can smell and are attracted to the chemicals emitted by people with O-type blood. Basically, I smell so yummy, they can help but take a little bite. :)

Another factor in being bitten is the amount of alcohol consumed -- but for a different reason than above. Really, it's because being buzzed makes you less likely to swat the nasty buggers away.

But as interesting as this information is, it doesn't make the bites itch any less!

Read the article

PS: O-type blood is greatly desired by not only mosquitoes, but the blood banks as well. If you can handle needles and are an eligible donor, you should try donating blood. You get free juice and cookies! Learn more

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mustard Anyone? UPDATE

Yay to my clever coworker! This well-written note made it into the blog. The comments got really goofy, but with a brand like "Beaver Mustard" how could they not?

Check it out here.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mustard Anyone?

So one of my favorite blogs is, where people can the submit awkward, pent-up-hostility-filled notes they find in everyday life. You can imagine how excited I was when my coworker posted this note on our fridge: Don't get me wrong, I do feel terrible for my coworker... its super annoying to have your stuff go missing in the fridge. But I'm still lovin' her letter.

I sent the brilliant blogsters this photo and story, so hopefully they will find it as amusing as I do and post it! I will let you know if it shows up.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Oakland Knows Food

Saturday, Boyfriend and I went to Jack London Square for the Eat Real Festival and it was SO MUCH FUN!

There was amazing street food of all kinds, over 30 different of beers on tap, lots of performances, an amazing farmers market, a butchery contest, cooking demonstrations -- all scattered through Jack London Square. We were only planning on checking it out and grabbing lunch, but we ended up staying there til past 8:00 at night, then going out for more drinks.

We were exhausted from the unbelievable heat, but it was SO worth it. I can't even tell you how well prepared this event it was. There were tons of people yet there weren't long lines because there was enough stuff for everyone to eat and drink and watch. All of the 70,000+ people were super happy and friendly (okay, maybe not ALL of them, but I didn't get elbowed in the face or the ribs the entire time).

It was the best festival ever!

My highlights:
  • Bean and cheese pupusas
  • Goat's milk ice cream
  • Figs with balsamic vinegar, toasted almonds and goat cheese
  • Grilled Chilies
  • Mexican mariachi band
  • Friendly people
  • Free beer poured by the brewers themselves
  • Butchery contest with flying meat
  • Kara's Cupcakes
  • Drinking raw milk for the first time
  • Courteous, east-bay crowd

I can't wait until next year. I think this was their first one, so hopefully the amazingness will continue.

Check out their website:

Did anyone else have the chance to enjoy the festivities?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hair Secrets Revealed

So it's the weirdest thing...

I decided one morning to use my nice, fancy shampoo and conditioner because, well, they're in the shower and belong to me so I can. Of course, my hair looked really nice and fluffy and full. Yay! So I used it again the next day... and since then I have been getting compliments constantly! What's funny is that I haven't been even trying to do anything with it besides the shampoo (and this is embarrassing to admit, but I haven't even been brushing it! Just running my fingers through and then running out the door.)

So I figured I would share my two hair secrets. Here you go!

Redken Color Extend Products
Color Extend Shampoo: Gently cleanses and protects to leave hair manageable, refreshed and shiny.

Color Extend Conditioner: Detangles and smoothes hair for a finish full of color reflection.

Original MOROCCANOIL TREATMENT: An ultra-light formula which is absorbed by the hair instantly, resulting in a natural, silky finish and brilliant shine without leaving a residue.

Now it's your turn to share? What's your hair or beauty secret?

Monday, August 24, 2009


What Would Gandhi Do?

While doing research, I came across this Wikipedia article about Gandhi's Seven Blunders of the World. I had never heard of this before and it really caught my attention!

The Seven Blunders of the World is a list that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi gave to his grandson Arun Gandhi, written on a piece of paper, on their final day together, not too long before his assassination. The seven blunders are:

  • Wealth without work
  • Pleasure without conscience
  • Knowledge without character
  • Commerce without morality
  • Science without humanity
  • Worship without sacrifice
  • Politics without principle

This list grew from Gandhi's search for the roots of violence. He called these acts of passive violence. Preventing these is the best way to prevent oneself or one's society from reaching a point of violence.

It's fascinating because I can see most of the major problems currently in the headlines today as tied to one or more of the Seven Blunders (like over-consumption could be filed under the blunders "pleasure without conscience" or "commerce without morality"). I think that if some of the major players of our country taped to their bathroom mirror and read it every morning while they brushed their teeth, we might have a much different world to live in. Don't you agree?

Gandhi's son, Arun Gandhi, later added an eighth blunder to his father's list:
  • Rights without responsibilities

Now this is one that I think many people in our country need to meditate on. Often Americans take for granted the rights we've been given and think that they are owed to us. While they're really something we need to be responsible for and take care of.

What would you write as the ninth blunder? Or do you agree with these blunders at all?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why can't happiness grow on trees?

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.

Martha Washington 1732-1802, First American First Lady

This really spoke to my heart. Right now, I feel like I am letting some bad situations get the better of me. And it's causing negativity to spread into all areas of my life. So I have decided that I want to be happy, no matter how crappy things get around me. We all deserve to be happy -- and sometimes we are the ones who are standing in the way.

Do you agree? What has helped you find your silver lining?

Thank you, Amy, for sharing this quote.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I'm running the San Francisco Half Marathon!

Hello, I don't know what I was thinking, but I am running in the first leg of the San Francisco Half-Marathon on Sunday, July 26, 2009.

I know running has changed my life and brought out a confidence in me that I never knew I had. The program that I am raising money for, Youth Run4Fun, helps youths in San Francisco get involved in running and fitness programs to discover their own strength, happiness, and well-being from running. I only have to raise $250, so please help me help our community with any size of donation.

Go to this link to support my Half Marathon and Youth Run4Fun:

The San Francisco Marathon’s youth running program Youth Run4Fun (YR4F), is dedicated to establishing sustainable community-based running and fitness programs for youth of all shapes, sizes and cultures that enhance physical health, emotional well-being and personal achievement, with a focus on underserved populations of the San Francisco Bay Area. Under the umbrella of YR4F is the JUST RUN® San Francisco program, and various track & field events.

THANK YOU! And wish me luck!

Friday, July 3, 2009

[Fiction] Friday Challenge

Fiction Friday

[Fiction] Friday Challenge for July 3rd, 2009:

Where your character is committed to a drastic or extreme change

What am I doing? Am I really packing this bag? I mean, this is not something I normally do. Really! This is me, Janie we're talking about here. Okay. Breathe. Why the hell can't you run off to art school in London? Lots of other people do crazy, impulsive things and no one bats an eye. But God forbid Janie fall one step out of her perfect life's lines, heaven help us! The world is coming to an end! Oh, screw them all!

With confirmation in her throw, Janie sweeps her duffle bag onto her shoulder and storms out of the room--of course, banging into the door jam a couple of times in a manner that still kept her defiant tone intact. Once into the hall, she slams the door to her dorm room, and quickly rushes through the hallways into the community room and through into the open air. The bright green lawn and electric blue sky seems like it was ripped from the college catalog and hung up for the world to see how amazing of a school this is. It seemed to mock her, "How dare you leave such a wonderful, institution! As if you're better than us. As if you're going to do any better anywhere else. You'll be a failure." Flipping off the sky, and her beautiful Ivy League campus, Janie gets into her car and takes off for the airport.

"Wait, there's a problem." she says to herself. "What do I do with this freakin' car?" Apparently she hasn't thought through ALL the details yet of this plan. But hey, that's okay, right! It's an adventure... no, more than that! This is what I am meant to do with my life... the car will survive.

She stops in front of her best friends house, writes a note, attaches it to the pink slip and registration, sticks it in her mailbox, and calls a taxi. Problem solved. Okay, let's see what you can throw at me next life, she thinks.

But really, Janie's adventure hasn't even begun. Literally (she hasn't even gotten to the airport for goodness sakes) and figuratively.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

5 things I can't go running without

5) ASICS Brand Running Shoes: I love these shoes. I need to get new ones and I keep putting it off. They are big and not very attractive, but my feet, especially my toes, have never been happier than with these babies.

4) Larabars: Especially the cashew ones. LOVE!

3) A great site for planning your runs and keeping track of your progress. It can do things, like planning a route ahead of time, that my iPhone running app can't do yet. The application I'm trying out right now is called
RunKeeper. When the GPS is working, its great for keeping track of your progress and pace while out on the road.

2) My IronMan watch: It's the same one I ran my first marathon with 3 1/2 years ago. Even though the light on it doesn't work, the face is scratched and a nice new one is sitting in my drawer, I still love this watch and don't want to ever leave the house without it.

Alameda: I have fallen for this city all over again. The streets are safe, the climate is a runner's paradise, the houses and gardens are beautiful distractions, and the people are friendly. What more could you ask for?

Nine Lives to Live: The Feud has Come to an End

Hello fellow felines!

The white flag of peace was waved in the courtyard this weekend. Or maybe it was so hot that all our friends were just too tired to squabble. No matter the reasons behind the serenity, I witnessed quite a surprising scene one afternoon as I lounged in my warm, sunny and very well-positioned window.

Floyd was lounging the the popular dirt patch when Archie came sauntering out his door. This is when Archie would normally take off scampering around the back of the bushes and plan his ambush of poor old Floyd. But not today! Archie calmly walked over, made a couple of remarks (I couldn't quite make out what he said) and Floyd chirped back a reply.

Then, if you can believe it, Floyd just watched cautiously as his arch-enemy, slowly laid down in the dirt with him. Of course Archie, still being wary of the situation, laid down facing his rival.

I will be sure to keep you up to date on how our two "buddies" are doing with their new-found friendship -- or is it tolerance.

purrs and kisses!

P.S. The 'yard just isn't the same without you, LuLu.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Thank you Tim Burton!

Can you believe Tim Burton is finally taking on Alice in Wonderland? Words cannot express my excitement!

Check out some of the amazing photos and concept art:

REVIEW: Rachel Getting Married

This week I watched the unexpectedly original movie Rachel Getting Married. I forget who told me I needed to see it, I think it was a few people, and to who ever you are, thank you! While this is most definitely NOT a happy-go-lucky, popcorn and candy type of movie, I thoroughly enjoyed this work of art.

Rachel Getting Married is a drama about a recovering drug addict,
Anne Hathaway, who returns home from rehab and jumps straight into her sister's wedding. Of course, there's turmoil for this dysfunctional family and it's portrayed in a very thoughtful, articulate way by director Jonathan Demme (he also directed The Manchurian Candidate, Philadelphia and The Silence of the Lambs).

The casting and the acting was perfect. You truly felt you were watching loving, very hurt family during one of their most personal experiences. Anne Hathaway has definitely shown that she can do more than act in goofy yet charming comedies (though I really do love The Princess Diaries. I can't help it!) Anne creates a character that is complex and layered; she is someone you want to comfort and at the same time give a good slap to. Same compliment goes to actress
Rosemarie DeWitt, who plays Rachel in the movie. Both of these characters yank the audience through a brutal weekend.

The absolutely brilliant use of camera and score also helped to pull you into this unique film. Being a Creative, I can't help but watch all of the behind the scenes extras that are created for the DVDs. I knew there was something very unique about this film but I couldn't figure out what until I watched the special features for Rachel. In it, Demme explained how they had purposefully written musicians into the story line, so that they could try something that no other film has done: filmed both the actors AND the score at the same time. The musicians were family friends who were staying at the house for the wedding. They would be practicing, or goofing off with this instrument or that while the scenes were all being played out. The effect was amazing. It was raw and true. You felt like you were right in the room with them, feeling their awkwardness or pain or happiness. The music was eclectic and flowed organically, even though at times the musicians would be downstair, with only vague knowledge of what was happening in the scene the actors were filming upstairs.

The camera work was another unique way of bringing intimacy to the movie. Most of the time, there were two cameras that were following the actors about the scenes. In large group scenes, like at the wedding, the actors were to just be in character and "be at a wedding." They didn't know when a camera would come and film them (except for during the major parts of the story). This created many vignettes that were worked into the film. It gave real depth to the characters and that feeling that you were looking in on a real family wedding. Most of the people at these large filming were friends and family of the director, which also added to this ambiance. In some of the other reviews I read, people complained about the free style camera work being too shaky. Take note that if that style is hard for you to watch, this might be a movie you'll have trouble with.

I enjoyed the rawness.
My main criticism was that there were couple of scenes that went on way, way, way too long. At one point I was starting to get annoyed, hearing all of the speeches at the rehearsal dinner, but patience paid off in the end. Also the wedding scene is very long and gets a bit bizarre. As I mentioned, they worked musicians into the story line, and along with that came some surprising cameos of artists from all sorts of backgrounds, which makes this scene very surreal.

Overall, while I spent most of the movie either crying or holding back tears. It left me deeply grateful that the art of film is so accessible as a medium. This was a beautiful exploration of haunting characters in a unique and captivating way.

More about Rachel Getting Married at

Monday, June 8, 2009

Birthday, Part One

I turned THIRTY this past week.
Unlike the stereotypes, I was very welcoming of the event. Twenties were a bit of a roller coaster and I am very happy to put them to rest.

My thirties had a very wonderful welcoming party -- it was the best birthday I've had yet. There were three days of celebrating, parties, and presents. But the best gift I received was something that I never expected. I have become content and happy with who I am. My sense of self has never been stronger; I don't know if that's because of the people I have in my life, I've reclaimed the title of writer and artist, or its just time and age.

What made me aware of this new contentment was seeing how all the most important people in my life were right there with me. (For those who couldn't be there in person, I know who you are and I know you were there in spirit.)

There's no hesitation in saying that these are the best friends I could ever ask for. These are the people that will continue with me through the exciting journey of my thirties and beyond.

I am such a lucky person to have so many special people in my life. And they love me for exactly who I am. There's no part I have to play, no need to put on a show. They like the person I am... and you know, I like who I've become, too.

I can't think of a better gift than that.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sorry I've been lagging...

I went on an awesome road trip to the Central Coast. It was one of the best vacations I've been on. The best part is that I now have lots and lots to talk about with you all, so you'll be seeing more posts from me this week.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pork chops, haircuts and a lot of fuss

I am in a wonderful relationship. My boyfriend and I get along so well, we probably make all our friends sick to their stomachs. So why, then, do I go on these neurotic trips where I think the stupidest little thing is going to make him throw his hands in the air and confess "I can't do this anymore! What was I thinking?! I can be with someone who doesn't know how to pick out pork chops!"

Now, I know you are laughing at me right now. And that's ok. Because when I finally confessed to Boyfriend why I was a babbling, nervous mess, we both laughed at the absurdity.

Did I really think he would dump me because I don't know the difference between a loin and a chop? Or because I used the wrong knife to cut an apple? Or I cut my hair too short?

Of course not! I know in my head he wouldn't be so petty. So where on earth did this come from?

My girlfriend in Florida told me she does the same thing.

Florida: I was cooking for my guy the other night and I was scared that if he didn't totally like it he would never speak to me again. Actually, I freak out like that on a daily basis.

Me: Why do we think like this? It makes no sense, if you look at it rationally.

Florida: Because we've allowed people to beat us down and now we don't understand a good thing when we see it.

I think she's right, as usual.

In past relationships, I've gotten into arguments for the most basic decisions. You should've heard the the crap I got when I had my hair cut! Each time I made choices that went against the grain, I had vigorously to defend myself, my feelings and my beliefs. And it chipped away at my confidence a bit at a time. No wonder so many of us have issues with these kinds of things making up our pasts.

How can couples can survive now-a-days with the way people treat one another? It's amazing that two kind, caring people can find each other in this fucked up world. It's one instance where saying, "You Deserve Each Other" is a huge compliment.

It makes me really appreciate relationships like my parents, who have been married over thirty years. Or my friends, who have been together since they were in high school. What they have is nothing short of a miracle.

I just hope Boyfriend and I can keep laughing about these silly episodes of mine.

Maybe eventually, I'll stop worrying... but then that wouldn't be me, now would it?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Unplugged Attempt No. 2

So a couple of months ago, I was watching too much mindless reality TV crap, so I decided to do something about this disgusting, brain-rotting (but OH-So-Deliciously-Delighting) habit of mine.

Don't ask me why I can't stop watching Animal Cops, Big Brother or Daisy of Love -- that's not up for discussion right now. What's really on my mind is that I only lasted about 2 weeks before I plugged that time-sucker back in (that doesn't count the time my friend from Florida got me all in a tizzy because Neil Diamond was supposedly on the Miss America Pageant. He was on the show but the show wasn't on my TV. Florida forgot about the time difference -- I was very disappointed. Really.)

Now I'm hooked more than ever before -- and it's time to stop. Why? Because of two very good reasons.

Reason for Turning Off the TV Number ONE: It makes time go by too fast.
I'm terrified of how quickly time goes by and I want to enjoy every single moment. Sometimes that includes curling up and watching an entertaining television program. But most of the time, I end up flipping through the channels a d picking the best of the crappy shows to keep me amused while I eat or procrastinate. The next thing I know, three hours have gone by and I am left wondering, "How it could have possibly disappeared so quickly?! I just turned the TV on?!" It's absolutely devastating and ultimately depressing that time just vanished right in front of my eyes.

Reason for Turning Off the TV Number TWO: There's so many thing on my To-Do list.
I love to read, write, draw, do puzzles, play with my cat, take a walk, go for a run and especially sleep. That's all stuff I could be doing instead of vegetating while watching strangers make fools of themselves in the name of love, money, or sex (Animal Cops excluded). Let's not forget to mention all the chores I never get around to doing. There's so much to do that the guilt sometimes feel like its going to eat me alive. That's a big burden to carry just so I can watch meaningless television.

I think the biggest problem is that I let myself get sucked in way too far.

One hour a night is not bad, especially compared to what the average American watches. But I take it to a level where I can't turn it off, and then I sit and do nothing. And I feel guilty for not doing anything, so I watch more TV. And I am sure most people don't get this neurotic... but I do. That's what's important. I am happier when I have the TV turned off, so that's why I'm unplugging it again.

Now, I'm telling everyone so that if I fall off the wagon and happen to mention the crazy thing that Daisy did with 12 Pack, you all can give me a strict talking to and make sure I unplug the damn machine again. Ugh!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Getting Lucky

I don't gamble.

Why should I? I might as well dump the contents of my wallet out the window for all the good it does me. I have terrible luck not just with slot machines and blackjack tables but with any kind of raffle, lottery, contest or game.

And I am okay with that.

Boyfriend and I both believe that while we have bad luck at games, we have very good luck in life. And honestly, which would you rather have? So we are happy with what fate has given us, or what it hasn't.

That's one reason why gambling was the last thing on our list of To-Do's on our trip to Vegas. This was my first time meeting The Family and I was very relieved when we all got along amazingly well. Fortune was holding up its end of the bargain and overall we were having a blast.

We even found a dollar on the floor while wandering around The Strip. I kicked something and Boyfriend said, "Wait! There's money pick it up!" It was a folded-up dollar bill.

"It must be lucky," I joked, "We'll have to play it at the casino."

It wasn't until we were killing time before heading to the airport that we had a chance to test our dollar's luck. We were running a little late because we lost track of time (and margaritas) at happy hour. We decided to just walk through the casino on our way to grab a cab and put it in the first machine we found.

"Maybe it will at least pay for our drinks," I teased. Neither of us thought anything would really happen.

I turned to my right and there was a dollar slot machine. "This one," I said, "I stopped in front of it so it has to be the one."

Boyfriend had to show me where to put the bill into the machine (that's how long it had been since I attempted gambling) and I hit the big button. "You won a dollar, do it again."

I hit the button with slight touch of aggression for fun.

"You won five."


"That's ten! Keep going!"



Okay, one more time and I'm done. I'll feel stupid losing it all, I thought.


And then the little number on the screen started spinning -- and spinning.

"Hey, this was a good one... Oh crap!"

I didn't quite believe what I was seeing but all of a sudden the machine was ringing and it blinked nonchalantly on the screen "$461."

"Cash out! Cash out!" Boyfriend cried. I didn't know how so this time he slapped the button.

With uncontrollable giggles, we headed frantically to the cashier (or whatever the person who sits behind those bars is called.) Next thing I knew, there was $461 in my hands and Boyfriend was practically jumping up and down from excitement. We went straight from there to the front of the hotel, grabbed our bags, hopped in a cab and were on our way to the airport, with gigantic grins on our faces.

Our cab driver was a friendly guy and as he was chatting away he noticed our extremely happy moods. "So how was your trip?" he asked.

"Well, it's funny you should ask..."Boyfriend started, and we began giggling all over again.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Who doesn't love cute animal pictures

Say hello to Princess Ophelia.

What an adorable little puppy!

Archie's pathetic attempt at yoga.

My sweet baby Timmie.

Lexie is such a little character!

Ferris is very annoyed right now.

This is the nicest horsey I ever met.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

RANT: F*** those A**holes

This first rant is gonna be a very honest one, but one that I think most of my lovely ladies can relate.

Next weekend I am meeting Boyfriend's family for the first time... and I have been getting progressively more nervous as we get closer to our vacation. And it's not for the reasons you would think. I know that they are going to think I am nice and sweet, and they are going to enjoy spending time with me. We are going to have a great time -- that I'm NOT worried about. I am worried that they are going to meet me and the first thing they are going to think is, "She's Fat and Ugly and Not-Good-Enough."

And that is absurd!

Boyfriend is the sweetest guy in the world who adores his family; and they all seem like VERY nice, fun people. Why would I think they would be so harsh and critical? While I am not a super model and could lose about 15 pounds, I am by no means Fat. And I know I'm pretty and, in Legal Blonde terms, not "unfortunate." So why the hell would these thoughts come into my head?

This is where the rant comes in.

It's because of A**holes from the past. All of them, including the kids who made fun of me in school. Those kids are the reason why I thought all I could get were the losers I dated in college -- who proceeded to take turns chipping away at my self-esteem. I'm sure all of you can relate. He's the guy who told you you'd look great if you would lose that bit of weight so "then you'd really be hot." And the one that asked if you ever would get a boob job for him.

They are also the friends who were so insecure they would rather scar you for life than let you be happier than them (that hurts the most). The ones who ended up stealing your boyfriend at a beach party and telling you, "It doesn't matter how pretty you are, no one will want to be with you if you are Fat. Don't be sad, I am only telling you this because I Love You."

I know some of you are thinking, "Crap, Girl! Why are you telling everyone this!"

Because I know we're all dealing with emotional baggage from people who have treated us wrong in the past. I was so scared and insecure that it was making me a total mess. When I told my friend what I was thinking, she shared her story and I learned that I'm not the only one who has these self-doubts. And as I released into the room the words that had been torturing me, I realized that they are SO not true!

That's when I got pissed.

How dare they say those things to me! And how dare I not stand up for myself! Well, it's never too late, right? So this is my big F*** You that I should have said a LONG time ago.

F*** You, jerk ex-boyfriends!

F*** You, so-called friends!

Go ahead and join me -- it feels GREAT! Who do you feel like giving the finger to?

PS: Feel free to pass this on if you think it would help someone. Us girls gotta stick together!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nine Lives to Live:
Sunny Day in the 'Yard

Hello fellow felines!

This was a good day for courtyard watching. It was super hot so everyone was pretty lazy while the sun was out, but boy did things in the courtyard start to heat up as evening came along! It was even getting toasty on my perch... made me sleepy, but I tried to keep track of the going-ons in between naps.

Archie was out in the morning, but was pretty well behaved. Probably because our hunky Kirby was keeping him in check. That tomcat sure does now how to shake a tail!

It was quite a social morning, with Marlowe and LuLu also making appearances. Those two would make such a handsome couple... I don't know why LuLu wants to stay with that whiny little Floyd anyways (see whiny little picture to the left). Girl, if I was you, I'd be prancin' my way on over to that big strong black cat, Marlowe. He's really something to purr at!

That was most of the day. Nice and quiet... until Archie came back out of his door. He must have been napping, because by the time evening rolled around he had more energy than a kitten a quarter of h
is age. Can you believe he had the nerve to try to pounce on LuLu?! Now, I know he's in pretty good standing with her, but come on, cat! Did you really think you would get away with that without a swat. And it was a good one, too! A well-deserved bitch-slap across the face.

Well, it's dark out now, and I will have to fill you in on any evening drama later on. I am expecting Possum to make an appearance. After all, its a gorgeous night and what animal wouldn't want to do some prowling. *Sigh!* I wish I could join in on the fun... but sadly, I will continue to watch from afar.

purrs and kisses!

Friday, April 17, 2009

San Francisco Guys

I can always spot a foreign-boy in San Francisco. And there's one really obvious way you can tell if he's an east-coaster visiting college buddies or a European on vacation -- it's if they look clean. I mean, really clean. Like just scrubbed down with bleach, dried in fresh country air, and polished 'til pristine with only the finest toiletries known to man.

Our San Francisco guys always look a little dirty. In comparison, they are scruffy and rough around the edges, like an unfinished work of art (or if you're not so lucky, a crappy piece for craft-art you found at the Ashby Flea Market). Even if he's one of the guys who showers most of the time, he still has that look that says he really doesn't care. SF guys only shave every other day, they don’t own a ties, or a pair of pants other than jeans. Maybe it's the laid back atmosphere, mellow climate, deep-routed counter-culture, or something in the water. Who knows?

Now, don't get the wrong impression here... I like it this way. The Euros look a little too sterile; like bigger than life-sized Ken dolls that might break if you rub up against them too hard. Those guys are boring, proper, fitting-the-mold-to-a-T. Who can handle that for anything more than a weekend romp playing the sexy tour guide. So yeah, I think I prefer my boys a little rough around the edges. Dirty boys keep life interesting!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Alameda Antique Fair and My Vintage Clothes Theory

Last weekend I finally was able to make a trip to the Alameda Antique Fair. The last time I went was December and I nearly froze to death. But this time I had a really good day.

The Alameda Fair is an awesome place to buy just about anything. And its mind-blowingly huge. One way I keep my sanity is limit myself to one specific category or item to shop for. Last time it was Christmas presents and ornaments. This time it was clothes.

And it's killer for cute clothes. I set out looking for a black skirt, which I desperately need. I didn't end up finding one, but I did find a super cute, green spring coat and two sweaters. I am a sucker for those two items of clothing, and I need to stop buying them. For some women its shoes, for me its coats. Good thing I work in SF.

A few months ago, my friend M. and I made the decision to only buy second-hand clothes. There are just too many good reasons to buy from vintage boutiques, thrift stores and garage sales.
  1. The clothes are unique. The chances of you walking into the office with the same dress as another girl is nearly impossible.
  2. It's easy on your wallet. Which also means you don't feel as guilty when you go on a spree.
  3. Reuse is good for the environment. Think of all the landfill and children in China you are saving.
  4. It's a FUN adventure. You never know if you're gonna come back from a trip empty-handed or with the cutest dress you've ever worn in your life!

I love that there's always one really crazy-goofy dress that you just HAVE TO try on, like the Madonna-esque, strapless, lace, eighties dress I almost bought but couldn't justify. I wish I had my iPhone for pics!

Now, I have some exceptions to this rule. One is underwear; I just can't buy used underwear, for reasons that I'm sure you all understand. Shoes I can buy new, too. I'm a size 10 and it's hard enough finding shoes I like.

If I'm craving some really good shopping, I always stay on the east side of the bay. It's easier to get around, cheaper, you can park the car AND there's always amazing finds. I will try to do an SF vintage expedition one of these days and I will let you know how it goes.

Here's some of my very favorite spots to shop:

  • Mars Mercantile (2398 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley)
    Always fun, unique and clever. They have dresses broken up into eras and all the labels are hand-written with fun little names. It shows how much thought they put into the clothes they sell. I bought the cutest blue tweed spring coat; every time I wear it, people stop me.

  • Serendipity Consignments (1451 Webster St, Alameda)
    This is a new store that's opened in my neighborhood. The owner is always super nice and the selection isn't necessarily vintage, but unique pieces that fit my style. A few grandma things are thrown in there, but every time I make an excuse to walk over, I find a cute top or sweater that I can't live without. (Oh yeah, and there's a yoga studio there too. Weird.)

  • Buffalo Exchange (2585 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley)
    This chain is always great, whether in SF or the East Bay. I like this one because it's lucky for me. I always find cute pieces here; all I have to do is walk in the door. You know that pretty plum dress I love to wear? I got it here!

  • Pretty Penny (5488 College Ave, Oakland)
    I love walking down College in Rockridge
    . There's SO many cute boutiques. I found the best little, black cocktail dress at this store. Some of the stuff is a little out there. That makes it fun, but you really have to look closely at the racks. It's small, but so worth visiting.
Oh, and here's the link for Alameda Antique Fair (first Sunday of every month). Be sure to let me know what treasures you find!