Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nine Lives to Live:
Sunny Day in the 'Yard

Hello fellow felines!

This was a good day for courtyard watching. It was super hot so everyone was pretty lazy while the sun was out, but boy did things in the courtyard start to heat up as evening came along! It was even getting toasty on my perch... made me sleepy, but I tried to keep track of the going-ons in between naps.

Archie was out in the morning, but was pretty well behaved. Probably because our hunky Kirby was keeping him in check. That tomcat sure does now how to shake a tail!

It was quite a social morning, with Marlowe and LuLu also making appearances. Those two would make such a handsome couple... I don't know why LuLu wants to stay with that whiny little Floyd anyways (see whiny little picture to the left). Girl, if I was you, I'd be prancin' my way on over to that big strong black cat, Marlowe. He's really something to purr at!

That was most of the day. Nice and quiet... until Archie came back out of his door. He must have been napping, because by the time evening rolled around he had more energy than a kitten a quarter of h
is age. Can you believe he had the nerve to try to pounce on LuLu?! Now, I know he's in pretty good standing with her, but come on, cat! Did you really think you would get away with that without a swat. And it was a good one, too! A well-deserved bitch-slap across the face.

Well, it's dark out now, and I will have to fill you in on any evening drama later on. I am expecting Possum to make an appearance. After all, its a gorgeous night and what animal wouldn't want to do some prowling. *Sigh!* I wish I could join in on the fun... but sadly, I will continue to watch from afar.

purrs and kisses!

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