Friday, April 17, 2009

San Francisco Guys

I can always spot a foreign-boy in San Francisco. And there's one really obvious way you can tell if he's an east-coaster visiting college buddies or a European on vacation -- it's if they look clean. I mean, really clean. Like just scrubbed down with bleach, dried in fresh country air, and polished 'til pristine with only the finest toiletries known to man.

Our San Francisco guys always look a little dirty. In comparison, they are scruffy and rough around the edges, like an unfinished work of art (or if you're not so lucky, a crappy piece for craft-art you found at the Ashby Flea Market). Even if he's one of the guys who showers most of the time, he still has that look that says he really doesn't care. SF guys only shave every other day, they don’t own a ties, or a pair of pants other than jeans. Maybe it's the laid back atmosphere, mellow climate, deep-routed counter-culture, or something in the water. Who knows?

Now, don't get the wrong impression here... I like it this way. The Euros look a little too sterile; like bigger than life-sized Ken dolls that might break if you rub up against them too hard. Those guys are boring, proper, fitting-the-mold-to-a-T. Who can handle that for anything more than a weekend romp playing the sexy tour guide. So yeah, I think I prefer my boys a little rough around the edges. Dirty boys keep life interesting!


  1. The crazies are looking at me crazy because I am laughing out loud :D
