Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ms Make-A-Scene vs. Cashier-Ladies

5:50 pm, O Line (eastbound)
I was in line at the bus terminal Friday, waiting to put e-cash on my Translink card, when a lady came in. She was making a scene about how she was "never gonna make her bus now with this long line." There was only four of us, and trust me, that's not a line! I knew that she was wanting all of us to take pitty on her and let her go first - so I left my earphones and pretended not to notice her antics. People who cut in line, whether they are obvious or sneaky about it, is one of my biggest pet peeves.

Still, I was feeling just a little guilty about my anti-social behavior. But if she was a responsible person, she would have known that she needed to put money on her card and planned accordingly. Plus, it was rush hour and this definitely wasn't the last bus for her to catch. I had been in her position before and everytime it was my own freakin' fault. But by not helping I was being a selfish uncaring person, right? Well, the lady behind me decided she would play the role of considerate community member, and told Ms Make-A-Scene to go ahead of her. The Cashier-Ladies started yelling, "Oh no you don't! Don't you be cutting in line here!" Even Ms Considerate chimed, but there was still no sympathy. I felt so relieved.

The cashiers' reasoning made the most sense of all. "What about all the other people in line?" they said, "It's not fair to all those people. Everyone here is trying to catch a bus!" Those Cashier-Ladies must have seen it all working in that bus station. And I'm glad, too. It makes me feel better about not letting go of my pet peeve. Even the most considerate people get annoyed sometimes.


  1. The cashier lady sounds like me at work. I swear, 'shut up, sit down and quit bothering people' is something I say daily. Sometimes it just need to be said.

  2. amen, sister! I'm glad you all have the courage to just say it like it is. :)
