Thursday, May 20, 2010

Archie vs. The Crow

The update on Archie's leash training is that we are doing very well. He walks like a normal cat up and down the halls and is not longer afraid of the neighbors. I am getting plenty of curious looks from everyone, but over all we are having fun so who cares.

He's making lots of new friends....and one enemy, The Crow.

While we don't go outside yet, I have been taking him out onto the outdoor ledges that lead to the fire escapes. Archie LOVES it...the first thing he does is roll around and get dirty. (Don't worry, I keep a tight hold of his leash so he can't get near the edge.)

The last time we went for a walk, we decided to go to a different fire escape on the other side of the building. I opened the door, Archie stepped outside and he immediately started purring. All of a sudden we saw a big blob swoosh down from the sky. Then again. Next thing we know, there's a GIANT crow sitting on the rooftop across from us...and he looks pissed. He starts flapping his wings and hopping toward us. Soo freaky!

I yanked on Archie's leash and yelled for him to get inside. He was pretty spooked, but still pretty curious. Much more than I was. It was a good thing we left when we did, because as soon as I shut the door The Crow hopped right over in front of the glass panes and began cawing at Archie. Boy, was that bird pissed!

Archie was SO excited to have a playmate so close. He was making his little chattering noises and ducking around the door trying to get a better look. But honestly, the bird was really freaking me out. It wasn't afraid of anything and kept hopping closer to the window. Eventually I had to drag Archie away from the glass...I was afraid the thing was gonna try to break in!

We haven't gone back to that fire escape...and honestly, I don't think we ever will. I don't want to take the chance that The Crow will remember us and dive bomb Archie.

See, in the big city, Archie doesn't even need to leave the building to get a taste of adventure! I can't imagine what's in store for us when we head into the concrete jungle.

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