Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm smitten with...explodingdog

[title: my tummy is rumbling]

Explodingdog and I have had a rocky relationship. For a few years it was my one true web-love. Each illustration is inspired and named by a phrase that a reader has emailed in to the website. The results are very entertaining. My sun rose and set around the artist Sam's new drawings being posted of clever, witty little lollipop-headed men and chunky robots.

Then one day, it was like I didn't recognize those awkward little bodies anymore. Sam's style began to change and pretty soon I just couldn't bare visiting the website anymore. His drawings had lost their magic to me.

But I am SO happy to say, that like all interweb soulmates, I found my way back to Explodingdog. The style and cleverness that I so loved is back stronger than ever and once again pulling at my heartstrings.

Here are a few of my all-time faves. I hope you adore the
m as much as I do!

[title: where did i go?]

[title: when i am sad, i eat a cookie]

[title: I hate the coffee at work]

[title: i'm just a little southern girl]

1 comment:

  1. My fave is "I hate the coffee at work" hands down.
