I love when you're just doing your usual thing, and a piece of art jumps out into your daily routine. It's inspiring and makes you think...and hopefully brings a smile to your face.
On my lunch the other day, I was walking through Crocker Galleria, an open mall in the Financial District in SF. My coworker Alex (say, Hi Alex!) and I were stopped by a wall of quotes. Both of us being writers, we were delighted at this find. It's a work called "The Dialogue Project."
Here's some info from their website:
There's lots more info on the site, including some of the great quotes that are a part of the project.Dialogue is EvolveArts' newest public art installation consisting of ten, 7 X 8 foot free-standing screens covered with thousands of inspiring, insightful quotations from people throughout history.
The eighteen main themes addressed are:
A r t
B o d y
C h a r a c t e r
C o m m u n i t y
C r e a t i v i t y
E x p r e s s i o n
F a m i l y & F r i e n d s
F u n
H a p p i n e s s
L i f e
L o v e
P o l i t i c s
P o w e r
S p i r i t
S t r e n g t h
S u c c e s s
W i s d o m
W o r k
Dialogue intercepts and engages people during their regular routines in order to challenge and inspire viewers to reflect on social issues, gain new personal insights and enjoy public art.
Dialogue is installed in busy metropolitan areas such as public squares, parks, tourist attractions and other highly trafficked areas. The screens have reached an audience of over 200,000 people in person and millions more via mass media. An award winning documentary about creating the project and taking it around the country in 2006 has just been released on DVD and is having a limited theatrical release and community screenings.
I've always been drawn to quotes; they can be such a comfort and inspiration.
Here are a couple of favorites. I couldn't choose just one:
"When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am grown up, they call me a writer." — Isaac Bashevis SingeWhat are some of your favorite quotes?
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." — Mohandas Ghandi
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