So a couple of months ago, I was watching too much mindless reality TV crap, so I decided to do something about this disgusting, brain-rotting (but OH-So-Deliciously-Delighting) habit of mine.
Now I'm hooked more than ever before -- and it's time to stop. Why? Because of two very good reasons.
Reason for Turning Off the TV Number ONE: It makes time go by too fast.
I'm terrified of how quickly time goes by and I want to enjoy every single moment. Sometimes that includes curling up and watching an entertaining television program. But most of the time, I end up flipping through the channels a d picking the best of the crappy shows to keep me amused while I eat or procrastinate. The next thing I know, three hours have gone by and I am left wondering, "How it could have possibly disappeared so quickly?! I just turned the TV on?!" It's absolutely devastating and ultimately depressing that time just vanished right in front of my eyes.
Reason for Turning Off the TV Number TWO: There's so many thing on my To-Do list.
I love to read, write, draw, do puzzles, play with my cat, take a walk, go for a run and especially sleep. That's all stuff I could be doing instead of vegetating while watching strangers make fools of themselves in the name of love, money, or sex (Animal Cops excluded). Let's not forget to mention all the chores I never get around to doing. There's so much to do that the guilt sometimes feel like its going to eat me alive. That's a big burden to carry just so I can watch meaningless television.
I think the biggest problem is that I let myself get sucked in way too far.
One hour a night is not bad, especially compared to what the average American watches. But I take it to a level where I can't turn it off, and then I sit and do nothing. And I feel guilty for not doing anything, so I watch more TV. And I am sure most people don't get this neurotic... but I do. That's what's important. I am happier when I have the TV turned off, so that's why I'm unplugging it again.
Now, I'm telling everyone so that if I fall off the wagon and happen to mention the crazy thing that Daisy did with 12 Pack, you all can give me a strict talking to and make sure I unplug the damn machine again. Ugh!
I will keep you updated on Daisy! ;-)